
  • 02262024
  • How many steps are required to design and plan automated rack storage systems?


    At present, automated rack storage systems have become an important component of modern logistics systems in the market. They use vertical warehouse equipment to achieve high-level rationalization, automated access, and simplified operation. So, how many steps are needed to design and plan automated rack storage systems?


    Determine the requirements for automated rack storage systems

    1. To determine the requirements for automated rack storage systems, including information on material types, quantities, sizes, weights, and packaging forms, and requirements for warehouse area, height, temperature, humidity, control systems, etc.

    2. Based on the actual situation, calculate the optimal capacity of the automated rack storage system to consider sufficient space during design.

    3. We need to consider the safety of automated three-dimensional warehouses to ensure the safe storage and transportation of goods.


    Design of automated rack storage system

    1. Design the racking structure according to the requirements of the automated three-dimensional rack warehouse, and determine the customized height, width, depth, support structure, support materials, assembly method, etc. of the warehouse racking.

    2. Design a control system for an automated rack storage system, including control equipment, sensors, control programs, software, etc.

    3. To design transportation equipment for automated three-dimensional warehouses, including racking trucks, racking elevators, automatic racking moving machinery, etc.

    4. Design the operation process of warehouse’s automated rack storage system, including inbound, outbound, inquiry, inventory management, etc.


    Implementation of automated rack storage system

    1. Purchase equipment, including control equipment, sensors, racking carts, racking elevators, automatic racking moving machinery, etc.

    2. Install equipment, install racks according to design drawings, install control equipment, sensors, rack trucks, rack elevators, automatic rack moving machinery, etc.

    3. To check the equipment, ensure that it is installed correctly, and perform system debugging to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

    4. Training and demonstrations should be conducted to ensure operators can operate the automated rack storage system correctly and promptly detect and handle faults.

    Post time: 02-26-2024